How to Choose Best Quality A2 Desi Cow Ghee?


Ghee—this golden elixir of an Indian kitchen—with a rich flavor is said to preside over several health benefits. Of the several forms of ghee that are available, A2 Desi Cow Ghee boasts of exceptional quality, nutrition, and traditional value. With increasing popularity of A2 ghee, today one finds a variety of brands in the market making a brand selection a challenging one . So here is a blog exploring the important things to consider in choosing the best quality A2 Desi Cow Ghee for you and your family.


1. Understanding A2 Desi Cow Ghee

A2 Desi Cow ghee- is the ghee that comes from cows that possess A2 beta casein protein, in opposition to A1 beta-casein generally found in most milk products. All the ancient Indian cow breeds—Gir, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi are popular for providing A2 milk, which is believed to be a healthier and easily digestible when compared to A1 milk.


2. Inspect the Source of the Milk

The first process towards quality A2 Desi Cow Ghee would be to check the source of the milk. Original A2 ghee originates from the milk of indigenous breeds of cows. So, while purchasing, it should be clearly checked which breeds of cows are used for the manufacturing process. It must be clearly specified in the brand. Cows that are Grass-fed and raised in a stress-free environment have a great role in the premium quality of ghee. Veyr Organics is one of the organic grocery store online, guaranteeing the purity and authenticity of A2 ghee because it sources its milk from domestic breeds of cows.


3.Method of Preparation

Conventionally, ghee is prepared with the help of the Bilona process by boiling the milk to prepare curd, and then curd is churned to extract butter, which is then heated to prepare ghee. These methods of ghee manufacturing are time-consuming and yet preserve all nutritious values of sources, loaded with flavors and smells. Look out for these techniques used by the brand, imposing them directly on an A2 Desi Cow Ghee. Ghee made with modern, faster methods probably won’t have the same nutritional values or even the same flavor as traditionally made ghee.


4. Smell and Taste Test

Pure A2 ghee will be nutty, a bit sweet, and it shall have a rich, butter taste with the sense of sweetness in it. If the ghee gives out a bad smell, or tastes sour, that is probably a sign that the ghee is old or was processed incorrectly, which means having additives.

5. Check for additives and adulterants

You should always check the label for any additives or adulterants ensuring you are buying pure A2 desi cow ghee. The manufacturer may have added some preservatives, colorings, or any other ingredient to enhance shelf life or for a better taste. For a pure A2 ghee, absolutely no additives should be used. Pure A2 ghee must be made by churning the curd to make butter and then slowly boiling it to create ghee without any chemical.


6. Color and Consistency:

The colour and consistency of A2 Desi Cow Ghee speaks of quality. High-quality A2 ghee normally has a bright deep-yellow color because it contains beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, which is plenty in the milk of grass-fed cows. It should possess a granular texture and should not be too smooth or too oily in consistency. If the ghee is too white or the granularity is absent, then that is an indication of poor quality or even adulteration.


7. Certifications and Quality Standards

In addition to this, ensured quality of A2 Desi Cow Ghee can be seen through the certifications and quality standards. Reputed brands should be certified by food safety authorities in their ghee to ensure that no kind of contaminants is present and produced under hygienic conditions. Organic certifications also indicate that the ghee is manufactured by milk procured from cows not exposed to injurious chemicals or antibiotics.


8. Check the reviews and testimonials

A2 Desi Cow Ghee of best quality can be selected also by going through the reviews and feedback of other customers or consumers. Look out for the reviews on the taste, aroma, texture, and the general quality of the product. It usually happens that good reviews give confidence on purchase. Very Organics ensure that the quality of the products is of high quality.


9. The price check as an indicator.

While price can never be a single absolute indicator of quality, price does offer some insights. Traditional methods of making Pure A2 Desi Cow Ghee from indigenous cows are more time-consuming and, hence, expensive. If the price is too low compared to the rest of the market, it likely indicates that the ghee is of lower quality. The price, however, must always be judged along with the other factors cited above.


10. Packaging, Shelf Life

Finally, consider packaging and shelf life. Good quality A2 Desi Cow Ghee will be packed in airtight glass jars so freshness is preserved and it cannot be contaminated. Pure ghee has a shelf life of up to one year if stored correctly; however, do check the expiry date before you purchase. Avoid ghees stored in plastic containers because they’ll leach some harmful chemicals to the product over some time.



Good Quality A2 Desi Cow Ghee needed a more in-depth analysis of some of the parameters. These parameters include:

Source of Milk

Preparing method






Veyr Organics is proud in offering the best A2 Desi Cow Ghee, which is prepared with utmost care so as to give you the purest and healthiest ghee for your family.