

To know what things can affect our body we need to understand our body first and how it works. Our body is an incredibly complex system, if we see our body as a whole it looks like a simple structure but as we start to dig deep we realize how it is made up of a gazillion smaller compositions. Our body has many compartments or we can say systems to deal with different things and all these systems work together to help us live a comfortable and continent lifestyle. Our body has reproductive, digestive, respiratory, endocrine, cardiovascular, muscular, lymphatic, and skeletal systems these are a few major systems that exist in our body.

Our skeleton system has several jobs some of which we see in our daily life and few are those that we don’t notice until we go through health issues or feel weak. Our skeleton system is a unique structure that gives our body a framework and a form to our face that makes us unique, it helps us maintain our erect posture, and our bones work with muscles which helps in body movement. The skeleton system not only consists of bones it has other tissues as well, it consists of 213 bones. Skeletons also help to protect organs in our body. You can go through wellhealthorganic.com:health-hazards-of-prolonged-sitting with us and you can work on your daily routine.

How you can take care of your human skeleton system

Now that you know how important the human skeleton system is and how bones play an important role in your daily life. It is really important to take care of your skeleton system and maintain overall health and mobility go through wellhealthorganic.com:health-hazards-of-prolonged-sitting. It is really important to build strong and healthy bones in your childhood because when you are young your body makes new bones faster but as you grow older your bone growth slows down people mostly reach their peak bone mass around 30’s, but you can take steps in your adulthood also to maintain your bone health.

We have a few ways through which you can protect your bones and keep them healthy


You should try to stay consistent with your exercise to maintain healthy bones. Few specific exercises help you maintain your bone density because if you have lower bone density it can lead to osteopenia and other physical restrictions. Try to do weight-bearing exercises like running, dancing, and strength training exercises these put force on your bones and maintain their bone density.

Eat nutrition that supports your bones

You should eat things that support your bone health calcium is essential for bone health an adult needs 700mg of calcium daily, calcium products are dairy products, spinach, nuts, and others. Protein is another great ingredient for your bones it helps to maintain our bone structure, meat and nuts are high in protein. Vitamin B also helps to make your bones stronger you need 10mg of vitamin B daily. Fish and egg yolk are rich in vitamin B but you cannot get all your vitamin B from food, sunlight is a great source of vitamin B.

Maintain healthy lifestyle

Try to be involved in more physical activities and move around to stretch your body. They maintain a healthy lifestyle and don’t smoke or drink alcohol. Try to maintain a healthy body weight. Don’t skip meals keep check on what you eat in a day.

Regular check-ups

Be aware of your body’s health go for yearly checks up get medical tests done like bone density tests.

Try to work on your posture

Maintaining proper posture helps to keep your bones healthy to sit straight


How can prolonged sitting affect your health

If you are sitting for a long period and you are not moving your body it can hurt your health overall. When we sit we use less energy and our spin is under a lot of stress. People who sit more than 8 hours a day have higher chances of dying early. The human body is designed to stand upright, our heart and digestive systems work better if we are upright. It’s better to keep your body moving cause that way you build stamina, your bones get stronger and your energy level improves. You can go through a lot of wellhealthorganic.com:health-hazards-of-prolonged-sitting.

Cardio health problems

Sitting for too long can affect your heart. If you do not have any physical activity that can lead to high blood pressure and cholesterol because of which your blood vessels can be blocked and you can have a chance of getting a heart attack. Blocked vessels can also lead to diseases like deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

Weak muscles

Think of your body and muscles as a machine if you are not using it quite often it will stop functioning eventually. Stiffen joints can increase the risk of conditions like arthritis. If you are sitting for too long you are gonna have weak muscles in your back, legs, and abdomen. We have these muscle glutes in our legs that help us stabilize, but if we don’t use them they get weak. Sitting while having a poor posture can strain your back and can lead to chronic pain.

Weak metabolism

If you don’t move that often your body is not able to produce energy from your food intake, your body is not digesting sugar and fat and it holds on to your body which contributes to weight gain and obesity. Less physical movement can make your body insulin resistant which can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Body posture

Your back and hips are severely affected if you are sitting for too long, flexor muscles in your hip get shorted which can disturb your hip joint. Mostly people with poor posture which can lead to strain in their back, and it can cause disc problems which for sure you don’t want the worst pain.

Mental health

Sometimes we don’t realize it but one of the biggest reasons for our anxiety and depression can be because we don’t move around, we don’t explore the things that we can do, and end up feeling useless which leads to stress and anxiety.

Ways to make yourself active

  • Take small breaks while you are working move around every 30 minutes or so.
  • Find ways to walk while working.
  • Stand while stalking your phone or watching television.
  • Try to use a standing desk to work or improvise with a high table or counter.
  • Use stability balls or chairs that promote movement to engage core muscles.
  • Walk around with your colleagues for meetings instead of sitting.
  • Try to find indoor activities that you are comfortable with yoga, dance, and swimming games that include physical exertion.
  • Taking stairs instead of elevators does help as it increases your heart rate and helps with balance.

and many more ways to just keep yourself moving in your daily life and get rid of wellhealthorganic.com:health-hazards-of-prolonged-sitting. Incorporating these practices can help mitigate and negative effects of prolonged sitting and contribute to overall better health.

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